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Dec 28, 2011

How To Choose Baby Clothes For A Newborn?

When preparing for your baby, one of the most joyful experiences that you will have is purchasing all of those cute, tiny outfits. However, try to resist stuffing your baby’s closet with dozens of outfits. Quite often, the more adorable an outfit is, the more impractical it is. Trying to get a tiny, fragile, squirming baby into a frilly, lacy frock is borderline impossible. Also, keep in mind that your baby will grow quickly. If you buy too many newborn clothes, chances are, your baby won’t even get the chance to wear many of them before they are outgrown.

Below are several tips for sensibly choosing your newborn’s wardrobe.
  • Buy three undershirts. Get the kind that have snaps on the side and open on the front. These are great for the first couple of weeks. They are easy to put on your newborn and they won’t rub against his umbilical stump.
  • Buy about 10 onesies. These are appropriate once the umbilical stump falls off. These won’t ride up or wrinkle under your baby and are typically more comfortable for her than the undershirts. These are also good for colder weather because they won’t ride up and expose your baby’s tummy.
  • Get about five sleepers with feet. These will keep your baby’s feet warm without trying to wrestle socks onto tiny, kicking feet. Sleepers with zippers are the most convenient for frequent diaper changes.
  • Purchase six nightgowns with elastic bottoms. The easy open bottoms make those late night diaper changes a bit easier. Once your baby starts moving around, these become less practical because they tend to ride up.
  • Get a couple of blanket sleepers. These will keep your baby warm without using a heavy blanket or comforter. Avoid using blanket sleepers after your baby reaches 5 months of age.
  • Buy about three hats for your newborn. Babies lose a lot of body heat from their heads. Newborn babies should wear caps or hats to prevent too much heat loss.
  • Get several pairs of socks. You need several pairs because you will lose several. You’ll lose them in the grocery store, the parking lot and your clothes dryer will eat a ton. Baby socks are tiny so once they are lost, they tend to stay lost.

Dec 23, 2011

How To Take Care Of Baby Clothes?

Baby clothes are really expensive, and because your child grows so fast in the first couple of years, these clothes are going to have a very short life. To maximize the wear we need to look at how we take care of them, how we can get wear from them, for longer and how we might save money, if we buy the right things initially.
  • The first thing to remember when buying children’s clothing is, they must be comfortable to wear, easy to put on and above all else, washable.
  • Buy clothes with elasticated waistbands and trousers or skirts with shoulder straps. This makes letting down or adjusting easier.
  • Buy socks without shaped heels they can then grow with your child. Try to stick to one or two colors and brands this way you will always have a replacement if you lose one.
  • Put extra buttons on dungaree, skirt or dress straps. This way you can lengthen them as your child grows.
  • Always try to buy natural fibres, rather than man made .The man made fibres don’t breathe as well as natural fibres and this can cause your child to get too hot, especially in summer.
Maximizing Wear
  • Sleep suit getting too short? For comfort cut off the feet and you will get another month’s wear, at least.
  • Add another tier to a tiered skirt, by using identical or contrasting material.
  • Trousers or jeans that have become too short, or worn at the knees can be cut down and made into shorts for the summer.
  • Make summer pajamas by cutting off the arms and legs of a pair of winter pajamas.
  • Don’t throw away an expensive jacket if your child has out grown it remove the sleeves and turn it into a smart waistcoat for your child.
  • When you’ve let down a pair of jeans or dungarees, you can normally see a white line where the fabric has been creased. Make it less noticeable by blending it into the fabric by running a dark blue crayon along the line. A fountain pen or indelible marker also works.
  • One tip that seems obvious but is often ignored: the manufacturers washinginstructions that you will find in the garment labels. Manufacturers of fabric spend vast amounts of money to find out what are the best washingconditions for their goods. So always try and wash as instructed, it does help clothes last longer.
  • Use a fabric protector to spray collars, cuffs and knees of garments, any spills will form into beads and can be easily wiped clean.
  • Get grimy soiled socks clean by soaking them in a water and washing soda solution before washing.
  • White cotton socks can be revitalized by boiling them in water with a slice of lemon.
  • Instead of bleach add vinegar to the water as an alternative.
  • Sneakers can be kept looking new by spraying them with starch before wearing them for the first time , this will stop dirt from getting embedded.
  • A soap filled scouring pad is great for sneakers or any fabric shoes.
  • Rub white shoes with a raw potato cut in half, or alcohol, before cleaning. Keep them white by spraying with hairspray. This prevents the polish from coming off and keeps them looking new.

Dec 21, 2011

Halloween Costumes for Babies

What is the point of having children if you don’t dress them up in silly costumes and clothing?
Halloween provides parents with the perfect opportunity to get back at the baby that spent the first six months of his life crying all night or the toddler who terrorizes the walls with colored crayons. This is about revenge, people.

So, jump on this opportunity while they are still young and shove little Jimmy or Jane in a costume that will spook them for years to come. We’ve got plenty of ideas that should do the trick.

Oh, and don’t forget to take lots of pictures — they might come in handy during those teenage years.
Farm Animals – There a lot of cutesy farm animal costumes out there for babies. You can choose from a cow, a pig, a goat and a lamb. These adorable outfits are sure to get all your relatives pinching cheeks and giving kisses in no time.

Food Products – Even if your kid can only eat mushed-up peas or smashed carrots, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to introduce them to the wide world of culinary delights. There are the healthy items such as a pea pod or a chili pepper, or you can corrupt them right away by dressing your baby up like a slice of pizza or some M&Ms.

Star Wars – There’s nothing like establishing your kid as a geeked-out Star Wars fan at an early age. Dress your boy up like Chewbacca, Yoda or Darth Vader and let your little girl be Princess Leia. Actually, if you really want to do some damage, dress your boy up like Princess Leia and call it a day. He won’t be able to live it down.

Superheroes – The kid might not share your love for comic books just yet, but forcing him into a superhero costume might do the trick (or scar him for life). The options are endless– Superman, Batman, The Hulk, The Flash, Spiderman and more.

Sea Creatures – Go to new depths by dressing your child up like an ocean-dwelling creature. Introduce your kid to Jaws early with a shark suit, trap them in tentacles with this octopus costume or make them the laughing stock of the sea with a clown fish costume.

Dec 18, 2011

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Snacks are one important part of our eating habits and it has been proven that our majority intake of calories comes from the snacks that we have between the meals. If an adult can’t say that, what can you say about kids ?! They always want something between the meals and statistics points out that fourth of the calories that a kid eats per day comes from the snacks. So for parents it is hard to control what snacks eat their kids and especially how healthy are they.
Almost everything that is at hand and most of the snacks contain a high level of calories and a great amount of fat ; this leads to gaining weight and if children start losing control on their weight then they will start having health problems. Because they are so full of energy all day long, you can come up with some simple healthy snacks for kids.
Nowadays junk food plays a big role in everyone’s life that includes also our kids. It is important to create a balanced diet for them. No one says that they should not eat sweets or to grab a snack or to eat something like fast food but what parents can do is to make themselves those kind of snacks for kids. In this way, they will know exactly what the snacks contain and they will be able to make them out of healthy products. For instance, when they want something sweet try to make home made ice creams out of fruits and yoghurt ; it will be a sweet and healthy snack but also they will eat ice cream, which we all love, especially kids.
When we are talking about cookies, it is better to make some home-made biscuits than buying. There are so many recipes for cookies and you can add chocolate, fruits, vanilla in them so that your kid will enjoy eating so many flavors.
Of course, your kids will also want something like a hamburger or pizza to eat. You should allow them but make the hamburgers and pizza at home. You can buy beef meat or chicken and make it on grill and add some vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumber, salad into a pita and there you have a much more healthier hamburger. Or for pizza you can also create a wide range of types by adding different kind of vegetables, cheese and pick between chicken or beef. It is all about putting healthier products and not buying those high calories dishes that are all over the market.
Remember always that we are what we eat and our kids need healthy food for developing nicely and for being healthy without problems. For growing, it is necessary to have a balanced diet based on healthy food and also on sport exercises. So be creative and offer your kids some healthy snacks.

Dec 14, 2011

Healthy Eating for Your Baby

Children have to be compelled to have a diet based mostly on healthy aliments so as to be able to develop fantastically, to grow sturdy and while not health problems. The diet of kids is one among the foremost vital problems and it’s vital to assure them a healthy eating for kids. this implies that you just have to be compelled to listen to what they eat, to not permit them to eat all the junk food that’s out there on the market and also you’ll realize and cook several recipes to stay them healthy. Healthy eating for kids is simply obtained through healthy recipes.
1. The first recipe is the almond crusted chicken fingers
For it you need the following ingredients: canola oil cooking spray, ½ cup sliced almonds, ¼ cup whole wheat flour, 1 and ½ teaspoon paprika, ½ teaspoon garlic powder, ½ teaspoon dry mustard, little salt, some freshly ground pepper, 1 and ½ teaspoon olive oil, 4 large egg whites, ½ kg chicken.
First preheat the oven, take a pan and coot it with baking sheet and also cooking spray on top of it. Then in a food processor add almonds, flour, paprika, garlic powder, salt and pepper and let the food to be chopped until all the almonds are very thin chopped.
Till the end add some oil and then transfer the mixture in a bowl. In another bowl mix the egg whites and then take the chicken tenders and coat them in the egg mixture. Then coat them in the almond mixture and then place all the tenders on the pan that you have prepared and put it in the oven. Bake the chicken fingers until they are golden and crispy for circa 20 to 25 minutes.
2. Other recipe that children will love is the Sloppy Joes.
For it you need the following ingredients: ½ kg lean ground beef, 1 large onion diced, 2 cups finely chopped mushrooms, 5 tomatoes diced, preferably plum tomatoes, ½ cup water, 2 spoons all purpose flour, ¼ cup cider vinegar, ¼ cup chili sauce, ¼ cup ketchup, and 8 whole wheat hamburger buns.
In a large pan crumble the beef and cook it until it starts to sizzle for about 1 minute. Then add the onion and mushrooms and cook them and meanwhile break the meat with a spoon and cook everything until the vegetables are tender and all the moisture is reduced for about 10 minutes.

Dec 11, 2011

Baby Feeding

Before, you make your baby usual with the various foods, you should introduce them the food character first. It is true that every baby is unique, but generally they are:
Their development is not as fast as their first year. So, they don’t need much food like you think. So, don’t force them to keep eating. They know when they are hungry. Remember, that the size of their stomach is only like their fist!
It is not easy to introduce new foods to them. The key is, put new food beside their favorite menu. Give them in small portion so they will be usual with that food.
They are easily bored and only like certain foods. Don’t be curious, if you gave them chopped meat yesterday and today they refuse to eat it.
Their attention is easily neglected when they eat. The TV programs, new toys, the new neighbor who visits your house are several causes that can attract their attention.
The Food Rules
After introducing the food character to child, it does not mean that you can give them all kind of foods. There are still some rules that you must obey. These are some rules in giving foods for baby:
Arrange their schedule for eating and pay attention at the nutrition that they consume. Actually, this schedule should be applied minimum since they are 7 months because that period is the crisis period for them. If in this period, they are not familiar with healthy foods, they will be difficult consuming healthy food in next period. For example is if parents don’t usually give them solid food and only follow babies’ want to drink milk, it can be until 1 year, they are difficult to consume solid food.
Don’t give them food that contains monosodium glutamat (MSG), too much salt and sugar. Shortly, give them healthy and fresh food. If you want to give them noodle, make sure to give them white noodle that is free from the dye food.
If they are difficult to eat, don’t force them. The thing that you should do is being patient and preserving. For example is, if they only want to eat 5 tablespoons, tomorrow try to give them 6 tablespoons. But again, don’t force them. If they are forced to finish their meal, they can consider the meal time is a bad experience. If that happens, you are getting more difficult to give her foods.
Let them choose which food that they want to eat first. If they choose cake that should be dessert to be eaten first, it does not matter. The key is making their meal time something fun.
In order to make them discipline, make sure that they sit when they eat. The better condition if all family members can eat together. But if it is difficult, make sure that somebody accompanies them when they are eating or drinking. This is important because it can avoid them from the dangerous of being choked.
Never give them foods that have hard texture or have risk to make them choked. So cut the food that will be given to them in small size. If you want to give them fish, separate it from the bone. Avoid giving her peanuts or candies because it can make her choked. Then if you want to give them biscuit, give her baby biscuit that directly melted if it is eaten by her (saliva will make the biscuit easily eaten). Don’t give her adult biscuit because the texture is hard. Though only you give her small pieces of adult biscuit, it can make them choked.
Don’t be too stiff. If someday you eat in fast food restaurant and your kids are tempted to eat it, give them in small portion. Let them explore any kind of foods but of course not in a big portion.
Don’t forget to clean their teeth, gums, and their tongue everytime they have finished their meal. Keeping the mouth healthy must be started since childhood.
The last but not the least, give her example the right and healthy food diet. Remember your children learn and imitate your habit. Don’t expect her to be vegetable lover if you never want to eat vegetable.

Dec 7, 2011

Tips For Deal With Teething Baby

Look from the very first group of tooth is really a unique event for that baby as well as wondrous for the parents because they view their infant stepping gradually in to the growing stages, however teething from the infants offers their own reveal associated with issues too.
Normally teething of a baby starts between 4-7 months old which continues until their 2nd birthday celebration. The majority of the babies face teething problems associated with varying levels, which can be managed effortlessly at home. Severe symptoms associated with teething may need the actual intervention associated with doctor.
Parents need to be careful concerning the teething symptoms from the baby, that are characterized by extreme drooling, too much crying due to pain, inclination of biting any thing within their reach, crankiness, unwillingness in getting normal food. The actual gums become tender and reddish, and the baby might weep through pain even while sleeping at night. A white appearance within the nicotine gums also signifies the actual eruption of teeth within the infants.
Sometimes small blood definitely like out of the nicotine gums during this period, especially if the baby receives a gentle shock. It is intolerable for that mother and father to see their own baby struggling with pain, but instead of having a panic attack they ought to attempt to lessen the problems maintaining relaxed as well as following simple remedies as advised through the doctor. One should not administer any kind of over the counter painkiller or gel, with no approval of the doctor. That could bring in a brand new set of issues.
Provide your own baby plastic teethers full of water with regard to eating. It is better to provide chilled teethers that will help in lowering the pain. You can also provide him a cold moist cloth to chew. You are able to administer homeopathic medicines to lessen the actual discomforts of teething consulting a homeopath.
Throughout teething, infants have an increased tendency associated with chewing things that help the teeth to be released quicker in the chewing gum cells. You can provide teething cookies and biscuits to your baby for eating. You are able to utilize watered down clove essential oil about the painful gums to relieve the pain. Excessive application of the clove oil may cause belly annoyed.
Give a real licorice bark for your baby for chewing. Watch that he does not swallow the actual bark. You may also therapeutic massage few drops associated with vanilla flavor on the sensitive nicotine gums. Rubbing the actual gums reduces the pain and also the alcohol present in the extract will give you a calming impact on the actual gums.
Moreover, vanilla flavor promotes sound sleep that’s advantageous throughout teething issue. If teething symptoms aggravate at night, you are able to give pain killers and numbing gels with due discussion from the doctor.

Dec 3, 2011

Tips to Get Baby to Sleep

Have you been fed up with those sleepless nights where all you appear to do is change baby diapers as well as feed your baby? Numerous new mother and father go through this issue and many don’t even remember the final period they’d a great night sleep because the delivery of the baby.
Most people assume which sleepless nights are just a normal a part of parenting a newborn. However the great news is that you can take certain steps to ensure that your baby and you have a nice uninterrupted sleep the whole night.
The first step is to realise why your own baby remains conscious all night. Well, the easy reason behind this really is that a newborn just doesn’t view the difference between day and night. So perhaps it is only foolish on our components to expect the actual baby to normally fall asleep at night such as all of us do.
To make sure that your own baby understands the difference in between night as well as day time make sure that throughout day he is placed in the vibrant atmosphere filled with noises. This keeps the actual baby alert and awake. Do not color the room or even put the baby inside a space devoid of sound during the day.
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Subdue this particular sound and light from night and make certain your baby is actually relaxed. You may also have your personal bed time routine wherein a person incorporate a final nursing program or even sing a lullaby for your baby. Anything, make certain you abide by it consistently.
Train the actual baby to soothe by itself to sleep. This is often a little challenging as a parent tend to pick up their own howling child as soon as they begin crying and rock and roll ankle rehab ebook in order to sleep or even place them in order to sleep whilst feeding.
However this can result in a large amount of problem because the child will quickly awaken to find themself without the warmth and luxury associated with secure arms close to him or her. So every time your baby is going to take a nap, put him or her in a baby’s crib while he is still trying to doze away as well as rock and roll him or her gently to sleep.
When the child includes a preferred blanket or perhaps a cuddly soft plaything he enjoys after that put it next to him or her. This will function as comforter for the baby whenever he wakes up shocked in the middle of the actual night. Moreover do not get the actual baby as soon as he or she starts crying. Rather talk softly, rub their back and put him to sleep progressively.
Keep in mind that this isn’t a sudden procedure and your baby often requires many weeks prior to he can adapt to this particular routine. If however mother and father religiously stick to this particular program after that soon they will find their newborn sleeping just like a record through the actual night.