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Dec 11, 2011

Baby Feeding

Before, you make your baby usual with the various foods, you should introduce them the food character first. It is true that every baby is unique, but generally they are:
Their development is not as fast as their first year. So, they don’t need much food like you think. So, don’t force them to keep eating. They know when they are hungry. Remember, that the size of their stomach is only like their fist!
It is not easy to introduce new foods to them. The key is, put new food beside their favorite menu. Give them in small portion so they will be usual with that food.
They are easily bored and only like certain foods. Don’t be curious, if you gave them chopped meat yesterday and today they refuse to eat it.
Their attention is easily neglected when they eat. The TV programs, new toys, the new neighbor who visits your house are several causes that can attract their attention.
The Food Rules
After introducing the food character to child, it does not mean that you can give them all kind of foods. There are still some rules that you must obey. These are some rules in giving foods for baby:
Arrange their schedule for eating and pay attention at the nutrition that they consume. Actually, this schedule should be applied minimum since they are 7 months because that period is the crisis period for them. If in this period, they are not familiar with healthy foods, they will be difficult consuming healthy food in next period. For example is if parents don’t usually give them solid food and only follow babies’ want to drink milk, it can be until 1 year, they are difficult to consume solid food.
Don’t give them food that contains monosodium glutamat (MSG), too much salt and sugar. Shortly, give them healthy and fresh food. If you want to give them noodle, make sure to give them white noodle that is free from the dye food.
If they are difficult to eat, don’t force them. The thing that you should do is being patient and preserving. For example is, if they only want to eat 5 tablespoons, tomorrow try to give them 6 tablespoons. But again, don’t force them. If they are forced to finish their meal, they can consider the meal time is a bad experience. If that happens, you are getting more difficult to give her foods.
Let them choose which food that they want to eat first. If they choose cake that should be dessert to be eaten first, it does not matter. The key is making their meal time something fun.
In order to make them discipline, make sure that they sit when they eat. The better condition if all family members can eat together. But if it is difficult, make sure that somebody accompanies them when they are eating or drinking. This is important because it can avoid them from the dangerous of being choked.
Never give them foods that have hard texture or have risk to make them choked. So cut the food that will be given to them in small size. If you want to give them fish, separate it from the bone. Avoid giving her peanuts or candies because it can make her choked. Then if you want to give them biscuit, give her baby biscuit that directly melted if it is eaten by her (saliva will make the biscuit easily eaten). Don’t give her adult biscuit because the texture is hard. Though only you give her small pieces of adult biscuit, it can make them choked.
Don’t be too stiff. If someday you eat in fast food restaurant and your kids are tempted to eat it, give them in small portion. Let them explore any kind of foods but of course not in a big portion.
Don’t forget to clean their teeth, gums, and their tongue everytime they have finished their meal. Keeping the mouth healthy must be started since childhood.
The last but not the least, give her example the right and healthy food diet. Remember your children learn and imitate your habit. Don’t expect her to be vegetable lover if you never want to eat vegetable.

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