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Mar 30, 2012

Pregnant Women Take Part In Treadmill Walking

It has been proven that pregnant women who workout, experience lesser complications during labor and delivery. Regular exercising ensures that the mother and child, remain mentally as well as physically fit, while keeping a check on the weight. The reason being, that excessive weight gain can cause health problems to crop up, at a later stage in the pregnancy, or thereafter. These complications include the onset of diabetes that can easily transfer to the baby, low or high blood pressure that can aggravate the baby's heart rate, heart palpitations, excess gas and acidity, swelling and kidney problems.

In order to avert excessive strain on the body, pregnant women must take part in mild exercises such as, treadmill walking, yoga postures, breathing and stretching exercises. Apart from exercising, a healthy diet is also a must! A woman is no longer required or expected to eat for two. If this be the case, the weight gain can be substantially monitored while ensuring that both remain well nourished and healthy.

Helps Retain Strength
Pregnancy makes the muscles and ligaments comparatively stronger than before, because the body needs to carry the weight of the baby. However, in spite of this change, the body may still require some flexibility. Therefore, it becomes essential that women go through some form of safe pregnancy exercises, so as to limber up the pelvic muscles, hips, thighs, and legs. All of these, when strengthened will help carry the weight of the baby better, without having to feel the pressure on the back. The reason being, that the back receives the maximum amount of stress and causes the most amount of pain, which is why, walking on a treadmill helps exercise the entire spinal cord by helping it to stay erect. It also helps in exercising the arms, the legs and the entire hips, which adds flexibility to the body.

Basically, your body as well as the mind needs to prepare for the time of delivery and must realize that this stage of pregnancy is temporary. Thus, your body must learn to harness its strength, so as to make the process of birth easier for yourself. It has been observed, that pregnant women who exercised, had a relatively faster, easier, and less painful delivery, as compared to those who did little or no exercise. Though it is true that not all exercises are safe for women in this state, it is to be acknowledged that walking on the treadmill, is not one of them. Here are some basic guidelines you must follow while working-out on a treadmill while being pregnant:

Warming Up
Do not assume that warming up will not be necessary for pregnant women. On the contrary, it is even more crucial. Let the body and the mind realize that it is about to workout. This will help the baby be prepared as well. Doing basic breathing exercises, hand and leg stretches will help in avoiding injuries and fatigue. Basic neck and back exercises meant strictly for pregnant women must also be followed. Only once these are done can the walk on the treadmill begin. Exercising without warming up, can increase the chances of suffering from cramps, and muscle injuries.

Remember to Breathe
You are required to breathe-in-and-out ample amounts of air, while exercising. If you feel breathless, the baby will feel it too! Remain relaxed and let the baby get sufficient oxygen during the workout. It would be advisable to exercise with a heart-rate-monitor, while running so that the treadmill automatically stops when your heart rate has crossed beyond its acceptable limits. This precautionary measure must be practiced religiously, because it'll help you slow down when you have had enough exercising for the day.

Walk Slowly
You are expected to start gently as if you are on a stroll in a park. Your pace on the machine must be set at minimal, and as soon as you feel comfortable you may increase the speed. You should never run while you're pregnant as that can harm the baby, by making the sack shift uncontrollably. Instead, simply brisk-walk at a pace that you feel the most comfortable in. It is also very important to remember to stop when you feel you have had enough. Take short walks, which should not exceed 10-15 minutes at a time. Treadmill workouts help lose weight, so walk as often as you can and only if you feel you can manage it. Do not exert yourself as that can be harmful for you as well as your child.

Low-paced treadmill workouts are sufficient for pregnant women. You need not overdo it, as that would be detrimental for your health. Be slow and steady while doing any form of exercise. The best way to achieve a complete body workout and flexibility is through simple and slow yoga exercises. These exercises will help increase muscle strength, stamina as well as improve your breathing technique, all of which will help during the final contractions.

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