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Dec 30, 2019

Close Relationships Between Parents and Children

Everybody with kids dreams of having close and lasting relationships between the parents and children. Being a parent does not necessarily mean that you will have great child parent relationships.

As with all relationships, they take a significant amount of work to develop and stay strong for the long haul. There isn't a relationship in the world that can be guaranteed to withstand the test of time but by following these parenting advice, you will have a better chance of success with your precious kids.

Choose the Right Glue

All too many people believe that bonding with their kids is complete by the time that they are out of diapers. The truth is that parents and children continue bonding throughout their lives. Sitting together, cuddling and spending quality time should not stop because the child has learned to use the toilet.

All relationships grow and change with time but using the right bonding agent will help it to last a lifetime. Love mixed with respect, care, fun, understanding and trust is the perfect recipe for creating an unending bond for the parent child relationships.

Just Play People

One of the best ways to get to know what is going on in your kid's life is to simply take the time to play with them. Playtime allows them to connect, have fun and actually strengthen the child parent relationship without even working at it. Being a parent doesn't have to be all about rules and discipline. The best relationships are forged through play.

Time for Talk

So many people are simply too busy worrying about what is going on with their business lives to take the time to ensure that their family relationships are in good shape. Let's face it; by the time many people arrive home from work, they simply feed, bathe and put their kids to bed. Do people really think that this way of life will create a strong bond between parents and children?

One of the keys to a lasting parent child relationship is communication. Talking with your kids as well as truly listening to what they have to say is important. Your child might take a bit longer to be able to express his feelings or problems but being a parent, you must be willing to put everything else aside and pay close attention to him. Allowing him the time to communicate with you freely and completely about anything under the sun will help to establish a bond that cannot be broken.

Don't Spoil the Child

Proper behavior is important to parents and children need to know their boundaries. Many parents would rather avoid recognizing and correcting inappropriate behavior than taking the time and energy to correct it. This causes the child to run amok and in effect, shows the child that the parents do not care about his behavior nor want to ensure that he grows up to be a responsible member of society.

Discipline should be handled by parents and children who have guidelines and rules actually thrive better than those that do not. Kids respect their parents when they set rules and thus, the child parent relationship thrives because of them.

Unruly kids show no respect to others or to the property or feelings of others. Fair and just discipline helps to delineate the roles of both parents and children and allows each to have genuine respect for the other. Without discipline, the family will be in for a world of trouble in the future. Remember, discipline shows your kids that you truly love and care about them.

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