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Nov 11, 2012

There Is A List Of Necessities For Your Newborn

It seems like everyone I know is pregnant, so baby gear has been on my mind. If you've ever tried to put together a baby registry, you understand the overwhelming array of baby products being peddled as "necessary." The truth is, the list of things your newborn really needs is a short one: Milk and Snuggles.

Because every baby is different, there's no way to know what's going to be "essential" for you and your baby until he/she arrives. My advice is to get versatile items that you truly need: a place for baby to sleep, something to carry baby in, a car seat, diapers, a few items of clothing, and, if you will need to pump, a breast pump and bottles. Seriously, that's it.

1. A place for baby to sleep: If you plan to co-sleep, this will be your bed. Even if co-sleeping sounds dreadful to you now, it may be more appealing once baby is here. But, it's nice to have a place for baby to sleep for daytime naps. This could be as simple as a blankie on the floor, but if you want to get fancy, I recommend a pack n’ play because it's such a versatile item. If you don't want to go the pack n’ play route, another good option is a co-sleeper bassinet that attaches to the side of your bed.

2. Something to carry baby in. You don't need a stroller right away. My 9 month old hasn't used one yet. But please, please buy yourself a baby sling! I love the Moby wrap for tiny babies and the Maya wrap for later. Most babies love being close to mama in the sling and you won’t be dragging a cumbersome stroller all over creation. Your baby can also breastfeed and nap in a sling which makes it super versatile!

3. Car Seat. Essential. And if you have a hospital birth, you can't take baby home without one. After trying it both ways, I recommend getting a car seat carrier that clicks into a base rather than making do with a convertible car seat for newborn through toddler. There were so many times when taking my son out of the convertible car seat woke him up and so many times when my daughter has slept through multiple errands in the carrier while I've said a little prayer of thankfulness for its inventors.

4. Diapers. You don't have to make the decision to use cloth or disposables right away. I know parents dead set on disposables become cloth diaper fanatics and friends who stocked up on cloth and then realized it wasn't for them. But you will need something for the first few days. And no, you don't need to buy any sort of special changing table. Some drawers or shelves to stock diapers in will do just fine.

5. Clothing. Don't stock up on tiny newborn clothes! I've had too many friends birth babies that have outgrown newborn sizes in utero. And even if your baby does fit into newborn onesies on day one, he/she will graduate to 0-3 month size shockingly fast. All you need is a few onesies, because let's be honest, baby is just going to throw up and poop all over them. Also, it's likely that you will receive plenty of teensy clothes as gifts.

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