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Nov 26, 2016

Taking Care of Your Baby When You Are Sick

We all know that taking care of a sick baby can be a tough, tiring task. The crying, fussiness, fevers, and coughs that never seem to end. Many times parents will think to themselves, “At least I am not sick, so I CAN take care of my baby.” What happens when you are sick though? How do you take care of your baby, whether he is sick or well when you are sick yourself?

Being sick is miserable. Fevers, chills, sore throats, and difficulty in breathing can make basic functioning a very tiring process. When it hurts to get out of bed, it can hurt to pick up your baby, feed him, change his diaper and get him dressed. Unfortunately parenting is one job where you can’t call in a sick day.

Young Baby

When you are sick it is best to remember to take as few steps as possible when it comes to doing for your baby. If your baby is young enough, have him lay in bed with you, and keep a pile of diapers and wipes nearby. If you are breastfeeding your baby you will need to be sure to keep your fluid intake up, and try to eat when you can. With everything within arms reach and your baby’s food readily available then you can spend most of your time resting, trying to get well. If your baby is formula fed then you can make one trip to the kitchen to collect a few bottles, formula and a pitcher or bottle of water so that you can easily make bottles for your baby without having to get out of bed too often.

Older Baby/Toddler

With an older baby or toddler, it might be easier to move yourself to another room, where most of the child’s toys are, or to move some toys to the living room so you can lounge on the couch. Have movies handy to help keep your baby entertained. If he is eating finger foods, you can have some of his favorites within your reach to give to him. This will help you keep your energy up as you are able to rest more, while helping your baby stay busy.

Accept Help

You have to remember that you can not do it all when it comes to taking care of yourself and your baby when you are sick. If you have friends or family that offer to take your baby or offer to come over and help at your house, let them. Don’t refuse the help and assistance when you are at your worst. You can’t take care of your baby properly if you are not well, and it may take you longer to get better if you can’t properly take care of yourself. The sooner you can get to be 100%, the sooner you are able to play with and enjoy your baby again.

Remember You Aren’t Alone

You aren’t the first mom, nor are you the first parent to get sick while having to take care of your baby. For as long as there have been mothers and babies, there have been sick moms and sick babies. Give yourself proper time and space to get well and you will be back to running around like crazy, changing diapers, doing laundry and cleaning the spit up before you know it.

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