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Dec 24, 2012

You Must Avoid These Mistakes In Music Antenatal Training

With the importance of prenatal and postnatal care, prenatal care is increasingly sought by people. However, experts remind the prospective parents: "To conduct music antenatal training to fetus should listen to the doctor's recommendations, do not be prematurely, but should be carried out after six months." And experts think that although fetus cannot receive education before birth, they can promote their intellectual development by music prenatal education, predicted prenatal education and stroked prenatal education and other methods.

Moreover, when fetuses are up to three months, they will have the sense of touch, which is the body surface distributes of nerve endings. When you accidentally touch them, they will react to you, at the same time, the brain is also rapid development, and the number of cells determines the capacity of the brain. The fetus of four months begins to move in the womb. When the fetus is six months old, the hearing is almost fairly with adults.

However, before six months, the auditory system of fetus has not developed completely, so at this time, mothers are best not to go to the noisy situations, to avoid injury to fetal hearing. According to the experiment, the loudest voice in the music is not higher than 2000 Hz will let the fetus more comfortable, otherwise, the fetus will be restless. If you cannot guarantee that the scientific nature of some of the prenatal microphone, in a relatively quiet environment, playing some soothing music can also play a role.

Furthermore, experts did a statistical study, the fetus accepted scientific music prenatal education hear the same music after birth, they will stop crying and show the comfortable ease of expression. This explains that the stimulation of the fetal period leaves the traces of stimuli in the fetal brain. In addition, experts said that to tell the fetus the interesting thing in the life and gently stroke the fetus can also develop a child's sensibility to the outside world, and improve their responsiveness.

As for the methods of prenatal education, you can use the following methods. First, you can use language prenatal education. You can often talk to your fetus of six months, and tell him your daily life. Second, you can use the read prenatal care.

When you have eight-month pregnancy, before production, you can read pleasant story to your fetus, which can make its nervous system become keener on the language. Third, it is music prenatal care. Since the fetus is four months, mother can listen to the soft pleasant music, or parents sing song for the fetus, which can promote the fetal brain development. In addition, there is also stroked prenatal care, which can enhance the relationship between you and fetus.

Dec 17, 2012

You Need These Nutritional Tips If You Plan To Conceive A Baby

In this day and age, it seems like many more couples are having a hard time when trying to conceive a baby. Due to hormonal, nutritional and environmental factors, men and women may find it to be difficult for the woman to get pregnant as easily as our ancestors did. However, there are several dietary and nutritional tips to keep in mind when trying to create your own baby.

First, be sure to add flax to your diet. Flax oil has been noted as helping increase fertility. This oil is very tasty and has kind of a nutty flavor. It is very easy to add into the diet by using it in place of olive oil on salads, for instance.

Another good tip is to eat more raw foods. Foods that have not been cooked are packed with vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function properly. Therefore, eating more raw foods will help build up a body's immune system to prepare it for a baby.

Drinking more water is another way to start detoxifying the body in such a way as to prepare it for a new life. Stay away from sugary soft drinks and artificial sweeteners as these substances are not good for a growing fetus. Staying as close to natural food and drink sources will be a good plan for trying to conceive a baby.

Make sure that you are eating enough protein throughout the day so that your blood sugar remains level and constant. Remember that blood sugar levels help in the regulation of insulin, which is a hormone. Anytime you start messing with hormone levels, you can affect your ability to conceive. By keeping the blood sugar at stable levels, you will have a better chance of managing all of your hormone levels.

Trying to conceive is not always a difficult process, however some people need extra assistance in making it happen. By using these simple tips, you can give yourself a head start when it comes to getting pregnant. Make sure to try to "be good" about your nutrition choices at least 80% of the time.

Dec 2, 2012

Why The Newborn Babies Need A Lot Of Sleep

Once you are over the stage when you have to ask 'when will the baby sleep', you get to another stage and you will be looking for reasons for baby sleeping too much. Although this is something that the parents could worry about, this is entirely normal.

Remember that the newborn babies need a lot of sleep. If baby wakes up to eat and he or she is active for a while, then there is no reason to be concerned. It is also possible that you will have to wake the baby up every 2-3 hours to make sure that he or she will eat.

When thinking about causes for the baby to sleep too much you should remember that it is normal for a newborn to sleep 14-18 hours per day. Some babies need more sleep. It is possible that your baby wakes up for 30 minutes and then he or she gets back to sleep.

In case you are worried about the reasons for baby sleeping too much the best thing that you can do is to enjoy this state because you can be sure that it won't last too long. The parents should keep in mind that there is a wide range of 'normal' things for the babies and every baby is different.

Keep in mind regarding the reasons for baby sleeping too much that this information is only an average and it is possible that your baby has a different sleeping pattern. You shouldn't worry that the baby won't have time to learn all the things that the babies should learn.

Nonetheless if your 6 months old baby sleeps as much as a newborn, you might have to look for the reasons for which the baby is sleeping too much. In this case the best thing that you could do is to talk to your health care provider.

Although the parents are always worried, most probably you don't have to look for reasons for baby sleeping too much. The baby's sleeping patterns are not something written in stone and sleeping has a lot to do with baby's growing process.

Nov 26, 2012

What You Must Know About The Newborn Baby Clothes

Outfitting a newborn baby can be quite a difficult event especially if you are not equipped along with best ideas. For mothers who are unskilled or even doing it the first time, it could be even mind-boggling. You need to obtain the greatest attire for your newborn baby that will not just make your baby comfy but also guard contact form intense weather conditions. Newborn baby clothes can be found in internet vendors or baby shops that are popular. Before you get into shopping for your current newborn baby, possess a checklist from the items that you will need. It is always vital that you consider the things from the spending budget to avoid overspending.

Firstly, you must understand the best clothes for your infant very first by looking in the fabric. Newborn baby clothing need to be made from great substance that are unable to injure the infant. In addition , it needs to become the best fabric to deal with the sensitive infant skin. Clothes made of organic materials such as fleece jacket and also cotton is the most suitable. It all not only increases convenience but additionally adds warmness throughout cold period. Similarly, the actual materials tend to be absorbent as well as ideal during summer.

Second of all, you need to look for infant clothes on the internet. Constantly research a good company with all the reputation of offering top quality items. Very few shops market high quality items, you should be the very best business that has set up their title for years.

Thirdly, you have to obtain the perfect size. Baby's clothes have to fit in effortlessly. They should be neither too large neither as well small. Children may outgrow the size extremely fast and then the have to check out the right size for your second. You might end up spending a lot of upon clothes the actual newborn baby might not wear at the end of the afternoon. Obtain the perfect size of the infant clothes so that you save money.

Fourthly, you need to search for clothes that are easy to take care of. Child clothes need to be washed regularly and so. They must be easy to clean owing to the type of the kids' sensitivity entire body. New baby clothing have to be easy to clean.

Infant put on come in different designs each suited for particular cases. Baby would wear like body fits give the essential warmness for your newborn baby. In addition , they are simple to put on on and at the same time possess little rubbing using the entire body. There are many colours to select. Pick a colour that works for the baby.

Plenty of child stores on-line can be found where one can obtain newborn baby clothes. All you have to to accomplish is actually check out recommendations of satisfied consumers online. You may even read evaluations to find the best website. It helps to find the best gives accessible in the internet.

Not all sites can provide quality items for the baby. You have to authenticate the website in terms of the products they offer. You should first look at the items actually. You may ask a buddy in order to suggest. The website as well as mode of payment needs to be safe. All on-line repayments tend to be taken quickly. There are companies that deliver infant items towards the consumer saves period. Besides, they are versatile such that you can order the proper dimension for the baby.

Baby clothes and also specifically newborn baby clothes have to be acquired through great providers. You have to look at stores which obtain supplier from greatest businesses on earth. This particular ensures that you will get affordability and at the same time take care of the health of the actual newborn.

Regardless of how youthful your infant is actually, they have to put on fashionable clothes. More importantly, you have to integrate sense of fashion within the selection of newborn clothing. You can find types of designs available in the market. All you have to is to choose one that works for the baby. This enables you to experience self-confident like a mom. Getting the right baby clothing is not really a tough task if you are equipped together with tips on how to get the very best. You will need a style of infant clothing that fits the particular beauty, comfort and ease, and also school for the infant.

Nov 19, 2012

Food To Avoid For Breastfeeding Mothers

We all know that nutrition is important for the breastfeeding mothers, but it is also good to know about the top foods to avoid while breastfeeding. This is because these foods could make the baby fussy or colicky and he or she might also have congestion, a rash or frequent spit ups.


If you drink coffee during breastfeeding, some part of the caffeine can end up in the breast milk. The babies can't excrete caffeine as efficiently and as fast as adults and so it stays in the system longer. As a result the babies become irritated, cranky, or they may even have problems with sleeping.


If you happen to like this one of the top foods to avoid during breastfeeding, you should be really cautious with it. Chocolate also contains caffeine. If you think that chocolate is bad for your baby you should eliminate it for a while and just see what happens. If the situation gets better, you ought to avoid having chocolate for a while.

Citrus fruits

When it comes to top foods to avoid while breastfeeding remember that there are some compounds of these fruits that can irritate the gastrointestinal tract of the babies. As a result the babies might become fussy, they can spit up, or develop a diaper rash. If you have to cut down the citrus intake, you should compensate your vitamin C intake.


Although you may think that this isn't one of the top foods to avoid when breastfeeding, you should know that it can make the baby colicky or fussy around bedtime. Give broccoli up for a while and see whether the situation gets better. Then reintroduce it gradually in your diet.


In case you are thinking about the top foods to avoid while breastfeeding, you don't have to worry about the glass of wine that you have from time to time. It poses no risk to the baby. However if you have more drinks, the baby could experience deep sleep, drowsiness, abnormal weight and weakness.

Spicy foods

Although for some mothers these don't belong to the top foods to avoid while nursing. In other cases the spicy foods can make ravages. Sometimes a dash of pepper is enough to make the baby irritated and fussy for hours.

Nov 11, 2012

There Is A List Of Necessities For Your Newborn

It seems like everyone I know is pregnant, so baby gear has been on my mind. If you've ever tried to put together a baby registry, you understand the overwhelming array of baby products being peddled as "necessary." The truth is, the list of things your newborn really needs is a short one: Milk and Snuggles.

Because every baby is different, there's no way to know what's going to be "essential" for you and your baby until he/she arrives. My advice is to get versatile items that you truly need: a place for baby to sleep, something to carry baby in, a car seat, diapers, a few items of clothing, and, if you will need to pump, a breast pump and bottles. Seriously, that's it.

1. A place for baby to sleep: If you plan to co-sleep, this will be your bed. Even if co-sleeping sounds dreadful to you now, it may be more appealing once baby is here. But, it's nice to have a place for baby to sleep for daytime naps. This could be as simple as a blankie on the floor, but if you want to get fancy, I recommend a pack n’ play because it's such a versatile item. If you don't want to go the pack n’ play route, another good option is a co-sleeper bassinet that attaches to the side of your bed.

2. Something to carry baby in. You don't need a stroller right away. My 9 month old hasn't used one yet. But please, please buy yourself a baby sling! I love the Moby wrap for tiny babies and the Maya wrap for later. Most babies love being close to mama in the sling and you won’t be dragging a cumbersome stroller all over creation. Your baby can also breastfeed and nap in a sling which makes it super versatile!

3. Car Seat. Essential. And if you have a hospital birth, you can't take baby home without one. After trying it both ways, I recommend getting a car seat carrier that clicks into a base rather than making do with a convertible car seat for newborn through toddler. There were so many times when taking my son out of the convertible car seat woke him up and so many times when my daughter has slept through multiple errands in the carrier while I've said a little prayer of thankfulness for its inventors.

4. Diapers. You don't have to make the decision to use cloth or disposables right away. I know parents dead set on disposables become cloth diaper fanatics and friends who stocked up on cloth and then realized it wasn't for them. But you will need something for the first few days. And no, you don't need to buy any sort of special changing table. Some drawers or shelves to stock diapers in will do just fine.

5. Clothing. Don't stock up on tiny newborn clothes! I've had too many friends birth babies that have outgrown newborn sizes in utero. And even if your baby does fit into newborn onesies on day one, he/she will graduate to 0-3 month size shockingly fast. All you need is a few onesies, because let's be honest, baby is just going to throw up and poop all over them. Also, it's likely that you will receive plenty of teensy clothes as gifts.

Nov 7, 2012

Nutrition Tips For Pregnant Women In The Early Pregnancy

Modern people increasingly pay attention to a healthy diet, especially the pregnant women should pay more attention to it. In the early pregnancy, the nutrition is very important. Then what should pregnant mothers eat in the early pregnancy?

In the first month of pregnancy, pregnant women should supply folic acid. The role is to prevent fetal neural organ defects. To supply folic acid can prevent anemia, premature delivery and fetal malformations, which is particularly important during early pregnancy, because the early is the key of the fetal neural organ development. Pregnant mothers should eat folate-rich foods such as bread, pasta, white rice and flour and other cereals, as well as beef liver, spinach, asparagus, beans and apples, citrus and organs and so on.

Moreover, in the second month of pregnancy, you need to guarantee sufficient vitamin C and vitamin B6, to ease bleeding gums, and suppress the vomiting of pregnancy. This time, some pregnant mothers will find you appear bleeding gums when brush, so regular to supply vitamin C can alleviate the phenomenon of bleeding gums. At the same time, it can help improve the body resistance, and prevent dental diseases. In fact, the vitamin C in the life comes from fresh fruits and vegetables, such as green peppers, cauliflower, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, spinach, lemon, strawberry, and apple and so on.

Furthermore, for those pregnant mothers who are puzzled by vomiting, vitamin B6 is the killer of vomiting. Vitamin B6 has the highest content in maltose, so eating one to two tablespoons of maltose can not only inhibit the vomiting of pregnancy, and can make pregnant women energetic all the day. In addition, the foods rich in vitamin B6 also have bananas, potatoes, soybeans, carrots, walnuts, peanuts, spinach and other plant foods.

In the third month of pregnancy, magnesium and vitamin A is necessary, to promote the growth and development of your baby. Magnesium is not only critical to the health of the fetus muscle, but also contributes to the normal development of bones. More importantly, the amount of the first three months of pregnancy to intake magnesium is related to the neonatal height, weight and head size of baby. In addition, the whole process of fetal development requires vitamin A; in particular, it can guarantee the health of the fetal skin, gastrointestinal tract and lungs. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus cannot store vitamin A, so pregnant mothers must supply sufficient vitamin A to your baby. Sweet potato, pumpkin, spinach, and mangoes and so on all contain a large amount of vitamin A.

Nov 2, 2012

Breastfeeding Tips For Newborn

Breastfeeding can be intimidating but being prepared and knowing the basics can help you provide the many benefits breastfeeding can give to your babies. Here are some tips and step you can follow to start breastfeeding. This guide is great for first time mommies and second-time or nth-time mommies who will be breastfeeding their newborn for the first time.

Prepare yourself for breastfeeding
  • Read as much literature as possible about breastfeeding. The more you know about breastfeeding, the more you succeed in it. We have listed several related topics for the Breastfeeding 101 series to help you find the resources and answers.
  • If you want, you can start buying breastfeeding products to help make breastfeeding more comfortable and convenient. These are not necessary though but my top 3 products were the nursing cover, breast pumps and nursing bras.
Remove or minimize distractions before you start breastfeeding
  • Put your cellphones in silent mode, go to the bathroom, change the baby, etc.
  • Make your self comfortable. Find a position that is best for you and your baby.
Breastfeed as soon as possible after birth
  • When able, ask for an on-site lactation consultant to come help you. Ask the hospital staff not to give your baby formula, water or any other food, unless it is medically necessary.
  • Room-in your baby so that you can breastfeed often – day and night. Or, ask the nurses to bring your baby to you for feedings.
  • Try to avoid giving any pacifiers or artificial nipples so that your baby gets used to latching onto just your breast.
Help your baby get a good "latch"
  • Keep in mind that there is no one way to start breastfeeding. As long as the baby is latched on well, how you get there is up to you.
  • Breastfeed at least 8 to 12 times every 24 hours to make plenty of milk for your baby.

Oct 31, 2012

Tips for Caring For A Newborn

Taking care of a newborn baby can be an overwhelming experience for any mom. The tasks involved in baby care – from feeding to diapering to getting your baby to sleep – can be both an emotional and stressful time. However, following some simple tips can help you and provide you with what you know about how to take care of your newborn.
Baby Care Tips
The most important thing to remember is that even if you're a first time mom, you should always trust your instincts when it comes to taking care of your infant. If you are in doubt about something, whether it be your child's sleep patterns or how often you should feed your baby, do not hesitate to contact your health care provider.
While it may not seem like it at first, know that eventually you will be able to establish a normal routine with your baby. Feeding and sleep time will take place at more or less set times, although it will probably be unlikely that you will be able to have a fixed schedule. This can be especially helpful for stay at home moms who may also have other children to care for and household duties to which to attend.
Working moms can also speak to their employers about breastfeeding policies at the workplace, as well as make alternative arrangements, such as pumping milk beforehand, so that baby gets the nutrition he needs while you're on the job.
If you experience any pain during breastfeeding, or if your baby is having trouble latching on, talk to your health care provider.
put your baby to sleep on her back; this reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
reduce stimulation at night; dim the lights prior to bedtime and stay silent or speak in only soothing voices to help lull your baby to sleep. It can also be helpful to establish a bedtime routine; for example, make bath time prior to bed time.
make sure there's nothing in or near your baby's crib, including bedding, stuffed animals and drapes; these objects could pose a hazard to your newborn
Is your baby still crying? Soothing a crying baby can be a frustrating and emotionally draining experience for a mom, even if you're a second or third time mom.
Sitting in a rocking chair or carrying your baby close to you can help soothe your newborn. Also, going for a walk or a ride in the car can help your newborn relax, as can speaking in soothing tones or singing to your baby. Wrapping your child in a blanket can also help calm your baby. If you are feeling frustrated, take a few minutes to breathe deeply.
Always remember that you're not alone when taking care of your newborn. Even if you're a single parent, you still have resources available – including your health care provider, family and friends – to provide you with advice on how to take care of your newborn.

Oct 21, 2012

There Are Some Newborn Baby Care Tips For The New Moms

Taking care of a newborn baby can be an overwhelming experience for any mother. The tasks involved in baby care – from feeding to diapering to getting the baby to sleep – can be both an emotional as well as stressful time. However, following some straightforward tips can help you and provide you with whatever you know about how to take care of one's newborn.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that even if you're a first time mom, you should always believe in instincts when it comes to having care of your infant. If you are in doubt about a thing, whether it be your child's rest patterns or how typically you should feed your own baby, do not hesitate to contact your overall health care provider.

While it might not seem like it at first, know that eventually you will be able to establish a normal routine with your baby. Feeding and also sleep time will need place at approximately set times, though it will probably be unlikely that you will be able to have a fixed schedule. This can be especially helpful for stay at home moms that may also have other kids to care for as well as household duties to which to attend.

Feeding is often a central component of baby care and is essential to newborn health. Make sure to not restrict the length as well as frequency of feedings, because your baby needs proper diet in order to grow at the healthy rate. If you're breastfeeding, follow these kind of helpful breastfeeding tips: health professional your baby as soon as possible right after birth, use a pillow to support your baby as well as your comfort.

Working mums can also speak to their particular employers about breastfeeding policies at the workplace, as well as make substitute arrangements, such as working milk beforehand, to ensure that baby gets the nutrition this individual needs while you're on the task.

If you experience virtually any pain during nursing your baby, or if your baby has trouble latching on, talk to your health care service provider.

New moms are also concerned about baby sleep protection. Your newborn might sleep for up to Of sixteen hours each day, normally sleeping for Three or four hours at a time.

Is your baby nevertheless crying? Soothing any crying baby can be a aggravating and emotionally emptying experience for a mum, even if you're a second or perhaps third time mother. Sitting in a lulling chair or holding your baby close to you can help soothe your infant. Also, going for a wander or a ride in the car can help your new child relax, as can communicating in soothing tones or singing for your baby. Wrapping your child in the blanket can also help calm your baby. If you are feeling frustrated, take a few minutes to breathe deeply.

Aug 2, 2012

Tell You How To Be A Healthy Pregnant Woman

Exercise and being active are important to a healthy pregnant woman and an easier birth and recovery. Exercise helps protect you and your baby during your pregnancy. You're less likely to miscarry if you exercise regularly; in addition, mothers who exercise have shorter labor times and more quickly lose weight after delivering their babies.

Consider hiring a doula for help and support through delivery. Doulas are women experienced in aiding women through pregnancy and childbirth. She may help with emotional support during pregnancy, and she can help with natural delivery if you wish.

Reduce the amount of caffeine your drink during pregnancy. During pregnancy, caffeine can be detrimental to your baby. To help protect your baby, avoid caffeine.
Ideally, prenatal care is begun before pregnancy. You can avoid a wide variety of health problems for you and your child by receiving prenatal care early from a qualified physician.

A pregnant woman in her third trimester should sleep on her left side. Sleeping on your left provides your baby with a good blood supply, and allows easy circulation to your kidneys as well as the uterus. Don't sleep on your back, as this position is not good for blood flow.

When you are pregnant, keep your hands out of the cat litter box. Improperly handled cat litter can infect a pregnant woman with toxoplasmosis. Cats act as host to the parasite and if a woman becomes infected, it may be passed to the growing baby and result in stillbirth or miscarriage, as well as other abnormalities.

To relax your muscles, do some stretching before your bedtime every night. Leg cramps are a frequent complaint of pregnant women because there is extra strain on muscles. By stretching before laying down, you will allow your muscles to relax, thus, reducing the chances of getting muscle cramps as you sleep. Stretching can also make your entire body more relaxed which will allow you to sleep better.

Always set aside ample time to develop a solid birth plan. Your birth plan should cover expectations of others that help with the delivery. You should include your birth plan as well as your insurance card and a camera in an overnight bag.

Take a swim during pregnancy. Sometimes you might not want to put on a swimsuit in the later part of your pregnancy, but the benefits from swimming make it worthwhile. The body will feel weightless when in water, and this sensation is wonderfully productive for reducing joint pains and stress. Not only that, it is a great way to get some exercise in.

Jun 29, 2012

What Are The Healthy Food For Pregnant Women

Pregnant women is the person who needs the special care and the all kinds of nutrition, to give birth to a healthy and smart baby, pregnant women need to eat the healthy food at first. Scientific choice food is not only beneficial to maternal health, the more beneficial to the growth of fetus.

Morning sickness is the most difficult and most common pregnant women of one of the reaction, to pregnant brings considerable pain. Choose suitable for pregnant women flavors of food has good control effect vomit, nutritionists think, lemon and potatoes contain a variety of vitamins, particularly suitable for pregnant women.
Spinach contains rich folic acid, every 100 grams of spinach is as high as 350 micrograms of folic acid content, ranked the vegetables. The biggest function of folic acid to protect the fetus from spinal cord division, and no brain hydrocephalus nervous system malformation of harm. So experts claim that two early months should eat more spinach or taking folic acid pieces. At the same time, the spinach of B vitamins can also prevent pelvic infection, spirit is depressed pregnant women, insomnia common pregnancy complications.

 Denmark experts research shows that, often eat fish have prevent premature role. Denmark to the happiness of the island of pregnant women, on average, than other areas during pregnancy long 5 days of above, the secret lies in the diet accounts for a bigger chunk of fish, so experts speculate that some sort of special fatty acids in fish played a positive role. Because of the pregnant women during pregnancy extended, the baby’s average birth weight than other areas and high 107 grams, for in the future development have laid a good foundation, therefore, to eat more fish during pregnancy.

Pregnant women often to sour food interested, and pregnant women to eat acid also have truly benefits. Women are pregnant, placenta secrete a kind of fluffy gonadotropins, can restrain the secretion of stomach acid, leading to the vitality of digestive enzymes down, pregnant women appetite is abate, digestive function drops, so this kind of sour is undoubtedly a remedy of the reaction. At the same time, the growth of fetus especially skeletal development needs a lot of calcium, but calcium salt deposits formed under the sour taste food assistance from bone. In addition, the sour taste food can promote bowel of iron absorption, the mother and fetus mutually beneficial.

But the pregnant woman eat sour food to pay attention to choose. Hawthorn nutrition is rich, but can accelerate uterine contractions, have cause miscarriage too, so pregnant women best "at a respectful distance". And tomatoes, Yang mei, cherry, grape, citrus, apple to wait for acid is tasted, pregnant women should be the food.

May 28, 2012

Yoga Plays A Very Important Role In Pregnancy

Whether you're a yoga beginner, or a fan who wants to adapt familiar exercises to suit your pregnancy, we have all you need to know. Find out about the different yoga styles that are safe for you to practise - as well as which styles aren't safe. We have advice on how to learn relaxation techniques, and on how to focus your mind so you can do yoga meditation. Breathing exercises, along with yoga postures, will benefit the health of you and your growing baby.

Yoga and pregnancy

Yoga can help women get through their pregnancy with minimal discomfort. It also helps the birth and post-delivery stages.

Independent midwife Manijeh Nedas says: 'In my experience, I believe that yoga plays a very important role in pregnancy. Generally, pregnant mums who do yoga exercises appear healthier, both in mind and body. Their bodies are more flexible, which enables them to adapt to various positions when in labour and the ligaments are more elastic, which in turn can help to reduce labour pain.'

Andrea Fox, an antenatal yoga teacher in Sommerset, says that yoga classes help to boost circulation and also help with fluid retention. The stretching exercises relieve aches and pains.

Posture is also improved by yoga and this can help ease back problems, which are common in pregnant women. She adds: 'Yoga helps to prepare for the birth - it encourages breath and body awareness, reduces worry and teaches women to adapt to new situations.'

And yoga continues to have benefits after pregnancy, too. Postnatal yoga, which can be started about six weeks after the birth, strengthens abdominal muscles and your pelvic floor. It also helps you to get back to your pre-pregnancy shape faster.

A mother's experience

Heather Elliot had already tried a few yoga classes before she decided to start a family. But when she became pregnant with her first child, nearly 18 months ago, she decided to take up yoga regularly.

I had done yoga before, but a long time ago. So it felt like it was my first time - and I really enjoyed it! she said.

Heather says she had no problems starting yoga when pregnant. She started yoga classes when she was 13 weeks pregnant and, at first, she felt things were a bit slow: 'I was expecting more movement in the beginning, but there were lots of respiration exercises,' she said.

For her, the best thing about practising yoga while pregnant was that it made her feel mentally prepared for the birth. She also stresses the strengthening of pelvic muscles as a benefit.

Heather's baby is now three months old and she can't wait to go back to yoga: 'As soon as I find someone to mind the baby I will continue with the classes.'

Ultimately yoga teaches you to focus on the here and now and helps you to learn to relax, so you’re better equipped to deal with whatever life may throw at you. Learning the skill of living in the present will help you through labour, to breathe through your contractions and rest between them. Focusing on just this will empower you and help you to achieve a positive experience regardless of the type of delivery you have.

And don’t forget, yoga is a skill you can return to once your baby is born to regain your shape and for every day life.

May 7, 2012

Around Half Of All Pregnant Women Feel Sick And Vomit During Early Pregnancy

woman vomiting morning sickness
Pregnancy morning sickness occurs in 50 to 80% of new mom's to be. While the name would imply that this ailment only occurs in the morning, many women find that it can strike at any time of the day. Most cases of pregnancy morning sickness occur between the 4th and 6th week of pregnancy and lasts until the 14th to 16th week. Unfortunately, some women will experience pregnancy morning sickness all through out their pregnancy.
What Causes Pregnancy Morning Sickness?
No one knows for sure what causes pregnancy morning sickness but the theories that currently exist say that a combination of rapid changes occurring in your body plays a big part in your queasiness.
It would appear that the rapid increase in hCG (the pregnancy hormone) and estrogen play a part in the appearance of morning sickness. You start feeling the effects of pregnancy morning sickness once it raises to a certain level and many start feeling relief from the morning sickness around the time that the levels of hCG start to decline in your system.
Another change that occurs when you are pregnant is a heightened sense off taste and smell. Smells and tastes that once were appealing take on a whole new effect. Smells that once had you going Mmmmmm! now have you going Ewwwwww! and, if your pregnancy morning sickness is bad enough, running for the nearest bathroom. It is thought that the increase of estrogen is responsible for this change.
It is also thought that women who have a weak stomach or are prone to throwing up (due to stress, illness, birth control pills, etc) can experience pregnancy morning sickness more often and severely than women who have an "iron stomach".
In the first half of pregnancy, feeling sick or nauseated is quite common, as is vomiting. The degree of nausea and vomiting differs from woman to woman.
You may just feel a little sick in the morning and throw up once, or your may suffer from constant nausea and frequent vomiting throughout the day.
For most women, the nausea stops after the first three months of pregnancy. For a few, however, it is still a problem after four or five months.
Also nausea can be caused by a congested liver. More and more babies are being born "jaundiced". Yellow bile that is vomited in the morning during the first weeks of pregnancy is often a sign of liver congestion. For this type of morning sickness you can use (Kelp, dandelion, Alfalfa)1. kelp is high in vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. There have been tests showing it guards against fetus abnormalities. 2. dandelion has been used to prevent or correct anemia and is an excellent liver cleanser as well as being high in vitamin and mineral content. 3. Alfalfa contains 8 essential amino acids of good digestion and helps nausea during pregnancy. Also high in Vitamin, Mineral content.
Vitamin B6, taken 200 mg. for 10 days and then 5-9 mg. every day for the rest of the pregnancy , has controlled morning sickness for many women. Taking this with a B Complex vitamin and a C enhances assimilation.
Clove tea (common cooking spice, use whole cloves) steep 1 tsp to 1 cup boiling water

Around half of all pregnant women feel sick and vomit during early pregnancy. So, it can be considered a normal part of pregnancy. It is often called morning sickness, but symptoms can occur at any time - not just in the morning. Symptoms are mild in most cases. Feelings of sickness (nausea) typically come and go. They usually last between 1 and 4 hours at a time. Some women have more severe symptoms and have frequent and/or longer bouts of vomiting. You may just have nausea and no vomiting.
Sickness and vomiting usually start before the 9th week of pregnancy. In 9 out of 10 women, the symptoms have gone by 16 weeks of pregnancy. However, some pregnant women have some sickness throughout all of their pregnancy.
The exact cause of the sickness is not known. It is probably due to the hormone changes of pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting tend to be worse in twin and multiple pregnancies where hormone changes are more pronounced.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): This hormone rises rapidly during early pregnancy. No one knows how hCG contributes to nausea, but it's a prime suspect because the timing is right: Nausea tends to peak around the same time as levels of hCG. What's more, conditions in which women have higher levels of hCG, such as carrying multiples, are associated with higher rates of nausea and vomiting.
•Estrogen: This hormone, which also rises rapidly in early pregnancy, is another suspect. (It's possible that other hormones play a role as well.)
•An enhanced sense of smell and sensitivity to odors. It's not uncommon for a newly pregnant woman to feel overwhelmed by the smell of a bologna sandwich from four cubicles away, for example. Certain aromas instantly trigger the gag reflex. (Some researchers think this may be a result of higher levels of estrogen, but no one knows for sure.)
•A tricky stomach. Some women's gastrointestinal tracts are simply more sensitive to the changes of early pregnancy. Also, some research suggests that women with a stomach bacterium called Helicobacter pylori are more likely to have severe or long-lasting nausea and vomiting. Not all studies confirm this link, though.
Some researchers have proposed that certain women are psychologically predisposed to having nausea and vomiting during pregnancy as an abnormal response to stress. However, there's no conclusive evidence to support this theory.Of course, if you're constantly nauseated or vomiting a lot, you certainly may begin to feel more stressed!

May 2, 2012

The Effect To Music Antenatal Training Wait For A Further Exploration

Music antenatal training
Music antenatal training effect is known that by people already gradually. Grow up healthy and sound by the fact that music antenatal training, is able to promote the padding baby's not only , be able to train baby's creative ability , the intelligence quotient improving a baby woollen cloth at the same time! Music antenatal training is that the finger executes religion by music to mother's body inner embryo.
Antenatal training law already is that the lot of country applies here kind, if the Aussie Canberra obstetrical department doctor once gave way to 35 pregnant women , come to a hospital on schedule every day after appreciating music , the embryo life, all the build is healthy and strong. The queen has 27 children obtain music award in 10, 4 children dancers, person achievement is without exception fine other , none person has bad behavior. Is music antenatal training that magical could it be said that really? Music antenatal training principle The embryo has had especially 6 months of queens hearing right away after being 4 months pregnant, embryo's hearing has almost approached with the adult, the local will can choose antenatal training music, being put in abdomen or readjusting oneself to a certain extent 1 ~ 1.5 rice in spur mother is given to mother and son and listens to. Such , phonetic rhyme can stimulate the embryo's sense of hearing organ directly , the cerebrum develops by the fact that biography entering nerve , conduct entering a cerebrum , promote. When the embryo develops in abilities such as hearing , sight , skin feel force, memory is able to the develop rapidly trend appear on at the same time , develops because of development of six kinds sense organ abilities all is dependent on memory's , is able to promote memory's conversely at the same time also developing more quickly.
If mother's sound , embryo many times hear the day afer tomorrow be therefore likely leave impression in the brain, this is the go ahead remembering that. Have had remembering that time as soon as is inferior when hearing mother sound again , the embryo is therefore likely to have knowing feeling very well ,this memory that can deepen him, urge his sound to the mother make welcome happy reaction, he has built up this one mechanism "perceiving memory reaction " like this right away , often, that the cerebrum stimulating this one mechanism embryo exercises ability necessity has been able to strengthen , intelligence has been therefore likely in the future to exceed the average man.
Music antenatal training creative ability beneficial to fostering a baby The abroad expert is discovered as a result of studying, the people's left half cerebrum is in charge of a logical thinking , is in charge of linguistic competence and analysis , judge an ability; The right half cerebrum is in charge of a thinking in images , is in charge of affection and the intuition ability. Developed people of general right half cerebrum creative ability is stronger , the fine jade catches with a net , reaches if painter rice is open and clear? Some great artist , inventor such as Edison etc. all has Renqi , inventor than the right brain assisting developed phenomenon of brain. Music is trained to be conducive to the creative ability developing the right brain promoting person , strengthening a people's, the method training a child music accomplishment , the interest regards therefore carrying out music antenatal training on the embryo is that a kind of is direct, is also the beginning training a child the creative ability had better.
What picture to produce because of child's cerebrum can speak at this time still being what a blank sheet , a Pure Land , your draw, what what grows kind right away. Exquisite melody can call up fine emotion of pregnant woman and the art imaginative faculty , at the same time can make her gas blood unimpeded , the cell activity appears active , has a light heart, this physiology , mentality to the pregnant woman are all extremely beneficial , at the same time also, the embryo will be delighted to produce resonance , to feel the body and mind , benefits out of. Be therefore likely to play mold role to people's mood , individuality , moral character , intelligence and body's health in being dependent on intuitive art since music is a kind of , being that mentality art having double effect , it is exerting a subtle influence on self's thinking to physiology, therefore being the idealest antenatal training teaching material and approach. Besides the value that music mounts except art, there are still various physiology's , psychological effect. And the psychologist thinks that music can seep into people's, soul, evoke people unconscious the illusion surpassing a realm, can call up the memory having been restrained in the ordinary time.
Antenatal training music can make a pregnant woman carefree and happy , fall into a reverie , improve the bad mood thereby , produce fine state of mind , embryo in this information being transferred to the abdomen and, makes whose depths be affected by. That at the same time, dulect antenatal training music is able to give embryo in moving restlessly in the abdomen deep impression, makes him realize that the world is what harmonious , what fine dimly. That in the field of physiological action, antenatal training music arouses the cerebrum cell's by the acoustics of cheerful people pleasing to the ear stimulation to the pregnant woman and the embryo sense of hearing nerve organ is excited , changing the release going down a thalamus passing quality , urging the mother's body to secrete a few benefiting healthy hormone if the enzyme , the acetophenetidin gallbladder alkali wait, makes the body keep extremely nice state , boosts embryo in abdomen growing up healthy and sound. Music antenatal training improves baby's intelligence quotient Study of science display , graceful sweet music, may make the pregnancy mommy produce peaceful aesthetic feeling and the delighted mood , they resemble the peculiar nutrient being unable to see right away , flow in blood of padding baby, penetration arrives at every cell lining , meanwhile, pregnancy may produce beneficial hormone in the mommy body , urge cerebrum and sense organ of padding baby to develop thereby. The baby who has carried out a certificate , had accepted music antenatal training, delights in music after being born , reaction is keen , the open and frank disposition , the intelligence quotient are higher. Music antenatal training before long has sprung up in our country , music antenatal training magnetic tape had appeared on the marketplace , has aroused many interest of young husband and wife.
The effect and method to music antenatal training wait for a further exploration , can certainly say an embryo being able to hear music but , indicate because of study according to producing definition made by scheduled time to embryo's sense of hearing: That about 6 months of embryo is able to hear music mother outside sound is undisputed. The accurate mother therefore, being about 6 months pregnant may to the greatest extent purchase music antenatal training magnetic tape , selects and uses or some of excellent bend eyes executing religion to the embryo. As for the benefit giving an embryo listen to the music,need not doubt that more. Experiment of music physiologists has proven that: The antenatal training carrying out music , the body to the embryo and development of character with the future , intelligence , emotion, are to gain everything and lose nothing.
Pregnant women cheerful mood can make cerebral cortex excited, blood pressure and pulse respiratory, digestive secretion of pregnant women all are in mutual smooth and coordination state, which is beneficial to the physical and mental health, improve the placenta pregnant for blood, promote stomach fetal health and development. Therefore, smile you give to your baby is also a kind of antenatal training.

Apr 17, 2012

Do Your Children's Snacks Upset You

A problem that plagues many parents across America is the fact that now more than ever junk food is readily available to children, even school cafeterias which are supposed to provide healthy balanced meals are loaded with junk food that has very little if any nutritional substance.Cultivating your children healthy balanced meals like fruits and vegetables seems very impossible
Most people may feel that eating in between meals is bad. However, experts say that snacking is not harmful for as long as you choose the proper foods. It also prevents children from overeating during mealtimes. Research has also revealed that snacking during the day can improve mood and motivation. Besides that, it may additionally have good effects on concentration.
The next time your children want hamburgers or pizza try adding a little organic spinach into the hamburger meat or sprinkle on top of the pizza start with a very small amount of first gradually adding more each time into your children become accustomed to the taste of spinach in their food. If you add organic spinach into a regular hamburger and top it with cheese and ketchup and mustard your child will hardly even taste that it's there.
Parents must also allow kids to indulge once in a while. It may not be wise to strictly have your little one steer clear of unhealthy snack items completely. This can only make them go out of their way, to eat the unhealthy stuff. Enable them to eat the meals that they want in small portions, a couple of occasions in a week.
Another great idea for a healthy family dinner is to make your own taco bar at home. You will be surprised at how healthy kids eat if you allow them to make the food themselves. When a child feels the healthy food is not forced upon them they have a tendency to explore a little bit outside of their traditional boundaries. Pizza bars are also a great way to get your kid to try adding some healthy toppings to their food.

Apr 9, 2012

Looking For Healthy High Protein Snacks For Pregnant Women

Pregnant women, more than anyone else, have to be extremely cautious about what they are putting into their mouths. It can affect one's overall health and lead to damaging effects if one's diet during this time is not taken into strict consideration. That prenatal period that mothers go through needs constant care and attention to help not only the baby grow and develop into a healthy child, but ensure that even the mother gets her share of nutrients. Knowing how to create a balance in your diet that takes care of both mother and child should be your priority. Stay off the bad carbohydrates and grease laden foods/sugary items that do nothing for your system, and instead opt for those that score big ones where health and safety is concerned.

High protein snacks for pregnant women are vital where you need to include protein in your diet on a day-to-day basis. In order to pile on the healthy calories and steer clear from the bad ones, eating protein rich foods will go a long way for you and your baby. Proteins are known to fill one's system longer, making one feel more satiated for a longer period of time. It is also contributes to muscle mass growth ensuring that you get your daily dose of energy and the replacement of it when lost due to physical activities like walking or exercising. You'll find help here on how to put together simple small portioned meals that you can snack on when those food cravings kick in which are inevitably a part of pregnancy.

Ideal Protein Foods to Eat for Pregnant Women

Protein rich snacks can help pregnant women get that much-needed dose of this element in their systems. Let's look into which foods are best eaten when it comes to the highest in protein content.
  • Eggs
  • Turkey
  • Seafood (tuna and salmon)
  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Milk
  • Protein bars
  • Protein shakes
  • Vegetables
  • Soy products (go easy on these)
  • Cheese
  • Nuts
  • Oats
  • Yogurt
  • Lentils
  • Fruits
Healthy High Protein Snacks for Pregnant Women

Let's look into some easy-to-prepare healthy high protein snacks and how to spread these out during the course of the week. Breakfast and lunch should be the most protein rich meals of the day using all kinds of food sources that are rich in varied nutrients besides these.
  • Egg whites (separate the yolks of two eggs and then fry the whites of these in olive oil coupled with herbs/mushrooms).
  • You can prepare a filling protein shake of strawberries combined with non fat cream and non fat milk. Blitz these together in a blender and pour into a tall glass and garnish with mint.
  • Mini turkey sandwiches with three slices of turkey, lettuce leaves, olives, tomato and a teaspoon of blue cheese.
  • Poached chicken with vegetable salad using lettuce, tomato, cottage cheese, olives, orange sections and herbs as your base ingredients, finished off with lemon juice.
  • Poached shrimp gravy with brown rice.
  • Toasted tofu with sautéed vegetables.
  • Protein bars or nuts during midday to munch on when the cravings set in.
  • 1 banana combined with crushed oats and non fat milk, for a protein shake.
  • Grilled beef (use electric grill) combined with non fat cream cheese dressing and egg whites.
  • Oatmeal porridge, combined with fruits of your choice, usually raspberries or blueberries.
  • Lentil soup with vegetables like carrots and shallots.
  • Nuts like almonds, cashews or walnuts.
  • Non fat yogurt with grapes or berries.
  • A fruit bowl with watermelon, kiwi, pomegranate and sliced apple, topped off with freshly squeezed orange juice.
These high protein snacks will do well for those expecting babies and looking for healthy eats to fill up the day. Be sure to use breakfast and lunch as your high protein based eating times of the day. Drink plenty of fluids as well and make sure that everything is fresh and free from all kinds of preservatives/additives. Have a healthy tomorrow.

Mar 30, 2012

Pregnant Women Take Part In Treadmill Walking

It has been proven that pregnant women who workout, experience lesser complications during labor and delivery. Regular exercising ensures that the mother and child, remain mentally as well as physically fit, while keeping a check on the weight. The reason being, that excessive weight gain can cause health problems to crop up, at a later stage in the pregnancy, or thereafter. These complications include the onset of diabetes that can easily transfer to the baby, low or high blood pressure that can aggravate the baby's heart rate, heart palpitations, excess gas and acidity, swelling and kidney problems.

In order to avert excessive strain on the body, pregnant women must take part in mild exercises such as, treadmill walking, yoga postures, breathing and stretching exercises. Apart from exercising, a healthy diet is also a must! A woman is no longer required or expected to eat for two. If this be the case, the weight gain can be substantially monitored while ensuring that both remain well nourished and healthy.

Helps Retain Strength
Pregnancy makes the muscles and ligaments comparatively stronger than before, because the body needs to carry the weight of the baby. However, in spite of this change, the body may still require some flexibility. Therefore, it becomes essential that women go through some form of safe pregnancy exercises, so as to limber up the pelvic muscles, hips, thighs, and legs. All of these, when strengthened will help carry the weight of the baby better, without having to feel the pressure on the back. The reason being, that the back receives the maximum amount of stress and causes the most amount of pain, which is why, walking on a treadmill helps exercise the entire spinal cord by helping it to stay erect. It also helps in exercising the arms, the legs and the entire hips, which adds flexibility to the body.

Basically, your body as well as the mind needs to prepare for the time of delivery and must realize that this stage of pregnancy is temporary. Thus, your body must learn to harness its strength, so as to make the process of birth easier for yourself. It has been observed, that pregnant women who exercised, had a relatively faster, easier, and less painful delivery, as compared to those who did little or no exercise. Though it is true that not all exercises are safe for women in this state, it is to be acknowledged that walking on the treadmill, is not one of them. Here are some basic guidelines you must follow while working-out on a treadmill while being pregnant:

Warming Up
Do not assume that warming up will not be necessary for pregnant women. On the contrary, it is even more crucial. Let the body and the mind realize that it is about to workout. This will help the baby be prepared as well. Doing basic breathing exercises, hand and leg stretches will help in avoiding injuries and fatigue. Basic neck and back exercises meant strictly for pregnant women must also be followed. Only once these are done can the walk on the treadmill begin. Exercising without warming up, can increase the chances of suffering from cramps, and muscle injuries.

Remember to Breathe
You are required to breathe-in-and-out ample amounts of air, while exercising. If you feel breathless, the baby will feel it too! Remain relaxed and let the baby get sufficient oxygen during the workout. It would be advisable to exercise with a heart-rate-monitor, while running so that the treadmill automatically stops when your heart rate has crossed beyond its acceptable limits. This precautionary measure must be practiced religiously, because it'll help you slow down when you have had enough exercising for the day.

Walk Slowly
You are expected to start gently as if you are on a stroll in a park. Your pace on the machine must be set at minimal, and as soon as you feel comfortable you may increase the speed. You should never run while you're pregnant as that can harm the baby, by making the sack shift uncontrollably. Instead, simply brisk-walk at a pace that you feel the most comfortable in. It is also very important to remember to stop when you feel you have had enough. Take short walks, which should not exceed 10-15 minutes at a time. Treadmill workouts help lose weight, so walk as often as you can and only if you feel you can manage it. Do not exert yourself as that can be harmful for you as well as your child.

Low-paced treadmill workouts are sufficient for pregnant women. You need not overdo it, as that would be detrimental for your health. Be slow and steady while doing any form of exercise. The best way to achieve a complete body workout and flexibility is through simple and slow yoga exercises. These exercises will help increase muscle strength, stamina as well as improve your breathing technique, all of which will help during the final contractions.

Mar 23, 2012

Yoga For Pregnant Women Keeps Them Healthier And Relaxed

Pregnancy is a period of anticipation, filled with both, the fear and the joy of having a baby. It is also a time when your body goes through various physical and mental changes. While there are other physical exercises that help, yoga has been known to be a beneficial way to deal with changes of the body and mind during pregnancy. The art of yoga originated in ancient India and has since then become a popular way of increasing flexibility, building strength and decreasing the stress levels. This versatile discipline has also been modified to suit the physiological needs of the moms-to-be. Prenatal yoga not only relieves the pregnant women from the mental stress of pregnancy, but also allows the body to remain fit during labor and childbirth. It can help in providing respite to pregnant women, from common problems like fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, cramps and swelling.

Yoga Poses for Pregnant Women

While starting off with your yoga exercises during pregnancy, choose some simple asanas which do not overstretch the muscles and ligaments. Also while deciding which yoga poses to do, take into account the trimester of the pregnancy. So while in the first trimester the sitting and standing postures like, 'the mountain', 'the triangle', etc. are considered safe bets, during the second and third trimester remember to cut down on the time of the sessions to avoid fatigue. Also avoid back and belly poses and do not hold the positions for too long. Poses like 'the hero', 'the sage twist' and 'the full butterfly' are considered beneficial during the second and third trimester. Here is a guide to recommended poses for prenatal yoga:

Breathing Exercises: The basic yoga techniques taught to pregnant women, are the breathing exercises which are considered vital for the control of the energy (prana). A few simple Pranayams (breath control) helps in releasing the emotional tension and the likelihood of post natal depression. Some of the suggested breathing exercises are a mild form of kapalbhati and lots of anuloma-viloma.

Kapalbhati: Take two normal breaths and then inhale. Exhale while pulling in the abdomen (remember not to stretch the muscles of the stomach) and repeat as required while keeping the emphasis on exhalation. Now inhale and exhale fully before inhaling once and holding your breath for as long possible. Exhale very slowly.
Anuloma Viloma: This involves adopting the Vishnu Mudra. With your right hand, tuck your index and middle fingers into your nostrils while placing the thumb and other fingers on either side of your nostrils. Inhale through the left nostril while holding the right one closed with your thumb and count to four. Now close both nostrils and count to 16 before breathing out through the right nostril. Now repeat the exercise by inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left.
Mountain Pose: This helps in inducing the power of stillness and immovable stability. It involves standing up straight with both feet at hip width. Turn your heels and let the weight rest on the toes, while you let the arms hang downwards towards the body. Now breathe in and out letting your shoulders relax. While doing this asana look straight and try to avoid motion, with as little effort as possible.

Triangle Pose: The triangle pose or Trikonasana involves starting with a downward facing dog pose and then moving the left foot forward by 1 meter. Next place your left hand beside your foot and carry your weight to the lower back and on the heels of your foot in the front. Now slowly raise the upper part of your body, until the lower back is straight, while the right foot (the one at the back) rests on the floor. Stretch the leg which is in front, without bending the back or twisting your body. Keeping your back straight, look at a point on the ground and then breathe in and out. Press your left hand against the heel and twist your chest to the left, while your hip, lower back, legs and head remain stationary. Now stretch your right arm upward and your head to the left, while looking upward along your outstretched arm and stretching out your neck.

Hero Pose: One of the fundamental seating poses, the hero pose allows the arches of the feet and the ankles to be stretched, while also improving the posture. Place your hand and knees on the floor, keeping the knees 'hip-width' apart so that the thighs are parallel to one another. The feet should point backwards. Now sit between your feet by slowly lowering your hips to the floor and straighten your back, while you continue to sit tall. Place your hands on your thighs and close your eyes and relax.

The Full Butterfly: This pose eases the tension from the inner thigh area, while stretching your knees and groin area. Sit on the yoga mat keeping your legs stretched out. Now holding your ankles, pull both legs inwards so that your heels touch your pelvic area. Now clasping your ankles, bounce your knees fifteen to twenty times. This yoga posture helps greatly during childbirth and can be done from the first trimester itself.

Mar 14, 2012

Music For Fetus

Many people think that the expectant mother to listen to music should give priority to with gentle, in fact, music should be more diversified some, because of, different melodies, different rhythm feeling and influence to the fetus is not the same.

Composer using instruments to depict the people and animals character, action and expression, novel and lively form, melody easy to understand, the rich artistic glamour.The music is lively, like in the open before a vivid picture.

Expectant mothers, go to listen to, let your baby with the bird and the cat, the little duck play, and together with Peter victory over evil Wolf, do a brave the baby.

Second, virtue wo xiake e minor ninth symphony "from the new world" second movement-pale sadness and homesickness.

This movement is a full-length symphony in the music of the most famous, the strong feeling of nostalgia, express the virtue wo xiake nostalgia for the motherland of love.In the music that's soothing melodies, show light acacia, the hint of sadness.

Expectant mothers, enjoy!Let the soothing melody ease anxiety mood, with sleeping with melody.

Three, Jonathan's "cuckoo waltz"-and the birds play together
Waking up this move, to hear the cuckoo waltz "Jonathan!The whole piece of music is pure and fresh and lively, especially suitable for sleeping in the morning to listen.The bouncing melody is like a cuckoo in the singing, it with a light, lively rhythm and pure and fresh, coherent melody, described an image of the vitality.

Listen to lively and lovely, clear the cuckoo waltz, let's let the baby do sport.

Four, Greg's cultivates gold's special suite in the mountain of the Lord in the palace ", feel strength and rhythm.

Expectant mothers, with your baby experience a little monster's palace.Feel different rhythm, different intensity, different tone, the same melody bring us different experience-the voice of the weak mysterious, strong voice of tension.

Reverie universial character, full of romantic fantasy melody.It with skilled romantic technique, have brought us into tender beautiful dream state.This tune theme is very concise, with a strong emotional style and smell of the fantasy colour, melody line after many ups and downs, the thing linger, make the person it is introduced lightsome featherweight world of dreams.

When you are tired to hear reverie, help you sleep well at night.Good a natural scenery, feeling about it, baby.

Brahms's "lullaby"-the mother of the endless love
Peace, kind, warm, caress the "lullaby" express mother to the baby endless love.The melody is beautiful, lyrical, quiet;Melody smoothly, melody moderate, pitch ups and downs is a little;Performance compared the mood of the peace.

Expectant mothers, in this first melody with your baby to talk to it.

Vivaldi's violin concerto four seasons-spring
Music described an in the spring the earth, and all the birds singing, and the wind blowing, Brooks, whispers picture.In the spring when the earth, fairy and the shepherd as bagpipes cheerful melody, in grassland dance dance, what a beautiful picture!Is a very good violin music.

Let your baby contact with multiple art, contact with different performing forms, different artistic styles of music, no matter be happy, sad, calm and fantasy, passion, simple, let baby music in the ocean of draw nutrition, train baby's art potential.

Feb 29, 2012

The Right Diet For Pregnant Woman

I believe that all the people know that only when the pregnant women get the enough nutrition, the beby may be healthy in the future. If you are currently pregnant or if you are planning on becoming pregnant soon, it is crucial that you begin updating your diet as soon as possible. You will need to start a diet regimen that provides more of the essential nutrients for a healthy pregnancy with every meal eaten. A person's daily diet is quite often very unhealthy and lacking in nutritious foods. So, for a healthier pregnancy for you and your baby, it is important to give you, your body and your baby the essential vitamins and nutrients needed to stay healthy.
Pregnant women typically require 10% to 60% more nutrients on a daily basis than non-childbearing individuals. The caloric requirement of pregnant women is even higher after the third month of pregnancy.

It is estimated that pregnant women need more than eighty thousand extra calories during the entire pregnancy. So if you are on 2,000 calorie-a-day diet, you need to add an average of 300 calories to your daily caloric intake so your body is able to easily respond to the increased physiological demands of pregnancy.

Pregnancy isn't exactly an ordeal, but it can be incredibly taxing to women who do not have the right kind of nutrition during their pregnancy.

You don't have to go on a 'diet' in the strictest sense of the word. Unless you are morbidly obese, caloric restriction is almost always not recommended for people who are of normal weight.
If you are underweight, you have to increase your weight by as much as 18 kilograms. Ask your doctor what target weight would be healthy for you and your baby. Pregnant women can eat as much as they want - of the good stuff, that is. And by 'good stuff,' we mean items such as:

- Fresh fruits
- Steamed or stewed vegetables (properly cooked, please)
- Lean cuts of meat (chicken, beef, and pork)
- Fresh seafood (check with your doctor regarding the types of fish that are safe for pregnant women)
- Food with lots of fiber
- Low-fat, fortified dairy products

As you can see from this list, it really isn't that hard to eat healthily during pregnancy. And if you have learned to tame the fast food and junk food habit during your pregnancy, why not continue your new healthy eating habits even after you've given birth?

There are numerous health benefits to eating well every day. The biggest advantage is that you're likely to live longer than those who eat junk food all the time. This is medically proven, so why look elsewhere for your daily meals? If you don't cook frequently at home, now is a great time to start learning how to cook for yourself and your family.

There are countless books out there on healthy cooking and healthy eating. You might be surprised how easy cooking has become with the help of modern inventions such as the microwave and the electric grill. Simply put: if you want to be healthy during your pregnancy, you have to eat healthily, too. Give your body the right food and it will take care of you. 

Feb 26, 2012

The Smile Of Pregnant Women Is The Best Antenatal Training

Pregnant women cheerful mood can make cerebral cortex excited, blood pressure and pulse respiratory, digestive secretion of pregnant women all are in mutual smooth and coordination state, which is beneficial to the physical and mental health, improve the placenta pregnant for blood, promote stomach fetal health and development. Therefore, smile you give to your baby is also a kind of antenatal training

The former three months of pregnant, it is the key period for forming of the fetus' each organ, such as pregnant women long-term mood swings, it may cause fetal abnormalities. So, during pregnancy period, pregnant women should be every day happy, do not save your smile. Although fetus can't see expectant mother smiling expression, they can feel the mother's moods. Pregnant women mood is low, eat some nuts can rise to adjust mood, prevent depression, such as walnut, peanut. Nuts in the food not only contain protein and amino acids, but also contain vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, etc. Therefore both for pregnant women, or the fetus, nuts are beneficial to the brain

Expectant fathers also can undertake antenatal training through smile

During women pregnant period, not only expectant mother always smile, expectant fathers will often smile, because expectant fathers' emotions often affects expectant mothers' mood. If Mom is happy, this kind of good state of mind will be passed to the fetus, let the fetus happy. Fetal receives the good effect, can in physiological and psychological aspects develop healthily.

Warm reminder: pregnant women should avoid by all means great anger, more do not make a mantra fight. During the first over one month's Pregnant, if she is severe stimulated by frightening, fear, grief and indignation, or other causes of mental strain, can cause miscarriage etc adverse reactions. In couples' harmony, family atmosphere's harmony, the circumstances of good mindset, the fertilized egg will "safely and comfortable" in the womb, baby will be grow up more healthily and intelligently.

Feb 20, 2012

What The Pregnancy Need To Do

As described, an overdue monthly periods will be the 1st and foremost sign of pregnancy. You will also skip your following period of time and this verifies that undeniable fact that you're pregnant. Bleeding is very considerably normal in the course of pregnancy interval nonetheless it will be usually lighter in weight than normal circulation. Commonly a have missed period of time is generally related to hormonal difficulties, stress, tension and exhaustion etc. A tender breast can also be a sign of pregnancy and will start soon after a single to weeks of conceiving. Although hormonal imbalances or delayed period might cause this tenderness, but typically it is a persistent issue that occurs especially in the course of pregnancy.

Many mothers during pregnancy face extremely stressful circumstances. Pregnancy is a nine month journey for both you and your baby. Pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks (about 9 months). Stress-related changes in a pregnant woman's heart rate and blood pressure, along with chronic anxiety, can affect the heart rate of her developing fetus, a new study concludes. Maternal stress during pregnancy is also found to cause of asymmetry in coordination of ears, fingers, feet, elbows, etc. Maternal stress is also linked with imperfections in the developing nervous system which can lead to problems of perception, thinking, and memory. These mothers experience constant stress, shame, loneliness and, sometimes, clinical depression during pregnancy or after giving birth. Their partners or families may not encourage them to seek help because the problem it is not seen as a medical one. There are many negative side effects of stress during pregnancy. Very high levels of stress may contribute to an increased risk of premature delivery or low birth weight babies. Still other studies suggest that overly high stress levels can increase your heart rate, blood pressure and produce chronic anxiety.

Considering that the body is promoting and eating yet another daily life system, you have a tendency to get far more fatigued and burned out throughout pregnancy. Fatigue or exhaustion can be early indication of pregnancy and may start off who are only first week soon after getting pregnant. A pregnancy examination will typically affirm your pregnancy since this tiredness or fatigue may also come up out of depression, stress, widespread chilly or flu etc.

Essentially the most frequent indicator of pregnancy will appear amongst two to eight months of pregnancy. Early morning sickness, dizziness, backaches, and also vomiting in excessive situations are a few of these widespread symptoms. Some of you could be genuinely fortunate adequate not to offer with problems of morning illness whilst other individuals who're not lucky can feel queasy during total pregnancy. Remember ongoing back pains, nauseatic sensation, faintness are not able to are the result of foods poisoning, tension or other disorders, as they are all transitory phases. These are sign of pregnancy which will prevail throughout your pregnancy.

Pregnancy is undoubtedly an wonderful trend of naturel that is certainly the core in our existence. One of many best and best approaches to stay away from troubles and issues in the course of pregnancy is always to get regular healthcare exams from your doctor or midwife. Pregnancy is undoubtedly an fascinating time in a very woman's daily life, so you must take treatment of oneself as well as your unborn infant. During pregnancy women are provided a selection of exams which might be made to check out no matter whether the newborn is establishing typically and when the pregnancy is likely nicely.

Pregnancy is a very exciting time in most women's lives, but for other people an sudden and improvised pregnancy is just not such encouraged news. In case the pregnancy is unpredicted, you may be sensation scared or confused. It is a normal reaction to an unplanned pregnancy. There are various organizations that can and can assist, and it can be often very good to become capable to speak to your father, family and friends to help get your emotions into point of view.

Alterations inside the hormonal balance as part of your physique during pregnancy can result in headache and this is also an earlier sign of pregnancy. Darkening of areolas, frequent peeing and cravings for foods are all sign of pregnancy which last during the entire pregnancy months. Recurrent mood ups and downs and irrational habits will also be very common during pregnancy. That is certainly why it is very important so that you can maintain a pregnancy journal that will give vent in your pent up emotions. Any pregnancy wellbeing relevant issues and occurrences also can locate area as part of your journal. It can make your trip a lot more enjoyable.w

Feb 3, 2012

Single Mother Of Babies - Overcoming The Difficulties

As I posted about last week, I contributed to an article that was launched last week regarding the difficulties of being a single Mother to a baby. I would like to include more of my thoughts on this subject at this time, as not all were included in the article Going It Alone: Overcoming the Challenges of Single Parenting by Shannon Philpott.
There are many challenges that come with being a single parent, especially with being a single parent to a baby. However, I want to say that not all single mothers experience increased difficulty and some may even prefer to parent this way. All new mothers experience a loss of freedom but single mothers may experience less help and support on a daily basis due to not having a father in the household. On the other hand, if the mother has a good support system with other family members and friends, it is possible that she will receive much of this support and possibly even more so than the father could provide. Having less support, however, puts the new mother at greater risk to feel resentment towards her baby. If she is not a single parent by choice or expected to have help from the father, she may be feeling anger, sadness, and resentment towards the father as well, and the baby is often seen as an extension of the father, again possibly increasing resentful feelings towards the baby.
A single mother may also need to go back to work sooner than she wants to due to having to provide for the baby. A working mother is less likely to be able to continue breastfeeding due to having to be away from the baby. For some mothers, not being able to breastfeed as often could also be a drawback. Single mothers may also feel increased stress due to having to find childcare, work, and care for the baby as well as feeling guilt for not spending the time that she would like to with the baby. All of these factors could interfere with creating a bond with the baby and/or cause the mother to feel more guilt and put her at higher risk for postpartum blues or depression.
Luckily, being a single mother or parent does not doom a parent to a lifetime of stress and a low bond with their child. These are only possibilities in this scenario and some mothers actually fair very positively. Part of this is due to everyone having different strengths, supports, and thresholds. Some things that you can do to increase the likelihood that you are not as negatively affected by being a single parent is finding support from whatever positive sources you can find. As I stated in the article, this may be from church, family, friends, neighbors, mothers groups as well as other sources. It is also essential to find time for relaxation and de-stressing. A good way to do this is to commit to getting exercise outside with the baby. Not only is it good for you to get outside for fresh air and to exercise, but babies tend to enjoy being outside as well. Also, it is important for mother’s to realize that quality time has a bigger impact with their child than the quantity of time, so when you are with your baby, make sure you make the most of the time.
Overall, as stated in the article, it is essential to accept that your life is now different than it was pre-baby. Instead of dwelling on how much more difficult your life is now, be sure to focus on all the positives that being a parent brings to your life and the joy and wonder you share with your baby.

Jan 26, 2012

Be Care For Baby Clothing

Since the tests for pregnancy have yielded positive results, future parents, especially mothers, begin to look for glamorous clothes for their unborn children.
Clothing for newborns can be purchased in a set, which will likely have a blanket for baby. But as not all clothes are used equally often, it is better to save up and buy a few interchangeable things. Usually parents buy some jackets, sliders (pants with straps), bonnet (hats), and coveralls.
The clothes should be easily removed and dressed; the child should feel free in movements. It should be noted that babies badly own their own bodies, and will not be able to change position or show that the clothes are inconvenient.
The first clothes of the newborn should be very simple, without buttons and bows which are suitable for older children. It is necessary to draw attention to the choice of materials, color, and do not forget about the washing features of clothes.
Newborn clothes should be made from good natural fabrics that are suitable for child’s gentle skin. For example, cashmere, cotton, linen. The most suitable material for kids is fine cotton jersey. It does not limit movements, as well as is hygienic. Rough, even natural materials (corduroy or denim) can rub the child’s skin.
Should the clothes be big?
Sometimes parents, wishing to save, buy bigger clothes, believing that the child will wear them longer. Of course, you need to cloth the child, so that clothing does not embarrass his/her movements, but at the same time they should not be too large, otherwise the baby can get out of it. In hot weather, he/she will feel comfortable in shorts and socks (which, unfortunately, most children quickly learn taking off). In cooler weather, the clothes can be warmer, as the parents seek a compromise between convenience for the movements and the number and thickness of clothing. Nowadays, there are a lot of new solutions and fabrics to clothe the child, which are not only warm but also convenient.
How to avoid wrong size?
Clothes for babies should be selected for its growth and age. In general, the clothes should have information about age and height. The average height of 3 to 6 month babies is 60-68 cm, 6 to 9 months is 68-74 cm, while 9 to 12 months is 74-80 cm.

When washing, machine or hand, parents always need to follow the instructions, and then all children’s belongings will maintain their color, shape and structure of the original fabric for a long time.
It is advisable not to use powders with biomaterials; they can irritate the skin of the child. Now there are a number of detergents and mitigations for children’s clothing, which do not cause allergies. Clothes should be well dried and pressed, only then it can be worn again.
Do not forget that babies in their first year of life quickly discolor their clothing.Decorative details make the process of washing, ironing clothes difficult, demanding much effort and care that is often burdensome for young mothers.
Pockets are usually convenient, but for older children. Newborns have nothing to put in them. They can even have dangerous elements: beads, buttons that a child can tear off and swallow.
Psychology of color selection
When creating garments for babies designers take into account advice of doctors and psychologists. It’s usually recommended to choose clothes of delicate pastel shades. The combinationof bright, saturated color is extremely harmful to the eyes and the nervous system of the newborn. Especially dangerous is the combination of red and white colors. Therefore, many designers of clothing for toddlers prefer cream-beige and coffee-sand tones.
Beginning from a year, parents already need to think about the development of the child’s taste. Therefore, you need to be even more attentive with a choice ofcolor combinations of clothes for your baby.

Each weather has its clothes
When the room temperature is above 22 degrees the child may be in a thin cotton underwear. With each subsequent lowering of temperature by 2-3 degrees should be added a new layer of clothing.
Thus, with 21 degrees there should be a fine linen, and q lightweight cotton dress on your child. At 17-20 degrees – cotton linens, a thick flannel or a knitted dress with long sleeves, as well as wool socks. At 15-16 degrees put on a cotton underwear, a light cotton dress, or a semi-woolen suit with long sleeves, and woolen socks.