It is estimated that pregnant women need more than eighty thousand extra calories during the entire pregnancy. So if you are on 2,000 calorie-a-day diet, you need to add an average of 300 calories to your daily caloric intake so your body is able to easily respond to the increased physiological demands of pregnancy.
Pregnancy isn't exactly an ordeal, but it can be incredibly taxing to women who do not have the right kind of nutrition during their pregnancy.
You don't have to go on a 'diet' in the strictest sense of the word. Unless you are morbidly obese, caloric restriction is almost always not recommended for people who are of normal weight.

- Fresh fruits
- Steamed or stewed vegetables (properly cooked, please)
- Lean cuts of meat (chicken, beef, and pork)
- Fresh seafood (check with your doctor regarding the types of fish that are safe for pregnant women)
- Food with lots of fiber
- Low-fat, fortified dairy products
As you can see from this list, it really isn't that hard to eat healthily during pregnancy. And if you have learned to tame the fast food and junk food habit during your pregnancy, why not continue your new healthy eating habits even after you've given birth?
There are numerous health benefits to eating well every day. The biggest advantage is that you're likely to live longer than those who eat junk food all the time. This is medically proven, so why look elsewhere for your daily meals? If you don't cook frequently at home, now is a great time to start learning how to cook for yourself and your family.
There are countless books out there on healthy cooking and healthy eating. You might be surprised how easy cooking has become with the help of modern inventions such as the microwave and the electric grill. Simply put: if you want to be healthy during your pregnancy, you have to eat healthily, too. Give your body the right food and it will take care of you.