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Mar 23, 2018

Make your childhood come to life for your kid with this fun activity

Every week we give you the resources to have family time that's easy, educational and fun for everyone! Each family time includes a quote or story, conversation starters and an activity. If you want to share your family time with us, tell us about it here. In the meantime, try this week's family time below:

Family Chat

Introduce this quote to your kids and have a family discussion about what it means and how it applies to their life.


"To not judge a man until you've walked in his shoes" is a classic American proverb. This quote specifically comes from Sharon Creech's book, "Walk Two Moons," about two girls who learn not to judge things based on how they look.

Discussion Questions

What does it mean to judge someone?

What are some reasons you judge people?

For younger children, explain what it means to "walk two moons in another man's moccasins" before continuing.

In what ways do you think your perspective would change if you could walk in someone else's shoes?

Even though we can't literally actually walk in someone else's shoes, what are some ways we can practice walking in their shoes before we judge them?
Family Activity: "Back in my day"

Look the part

*Pull out your yearbooks from the time you were your kids' age or peruse the internet to let your kids take a look back in time.

*On your mark, get set, go: Everyone has five minutes to create an outfit mimicking your high school days with what they can find in their closet and around the house.

*Don't forget to take a picture! (Bonus points if you use film!)


*Show your kids some of your favorite songs from when you were their age.

*Break the family into two teams. Each team picks a song and has 15 minutes to choreograph a dance to it.

*Perform your routines for each other.

We'd love to see what your family comes up with! Upload videos of your routines with #famitime to share your family night with us and families all over the world!